Friday, May 11, 2012

1,001 Movies You Must See Before You Die (and Related Genre Lists)

The book 1,001 Movies You Must See Before You Die was first published in 2003.  Each year a few more movies are added to the list.  (The total now stands at 1,167).  Some people are making attempts to see every movie in the book.  You can read much more about it, as well as the blog club that has been formed to review movies from this book, by reading my post on it here.

In addition to the “Seen?” column I also have columns that allow tracking and totaling of what films have been reviewed and what their availability is via Netflix and Hulu Plus.  These figures are now comprehensive for the entire list.  There is also a comments column that tracks all additions and removals across the various editions of the 1,001 Movies books, as well as where the book has incorrect years for some films.

Note that this is the list in the order they appear in the Tenth Edition that came out in 2013.  This is the “Chronological” tab at the very bottom.  (Because they had some errors in the book, you will find some films that appear out of order by year, but I felt it was important to keep the order from the book.)  Just to the right of the Chronological tab is one labeled “Alphabetical”.  Clicking on this will bring up the same list, but with the films listed in alphabetical order.  This allows you to quickly see if a film is on the list or not.

September 24, 2013 Update:

This sheet contains all 49 new films that were just added by the Tenth Edition of the book.  By agreement with both the 1,001 Movies Blog Club, and the 1,001 Movies folks on Letterboxd, this sheet aligns across both areas by doing the following: 1. The order of the films from the Tenth Edition is used; 2. The films that have been removed from the books appear at the end of the year of their release, as originally printed in the earlier editions of the books; 3. The group entries (Olympia, Ivan the Terrible, the Toy Story trilogy, and The Lord of the Rings) have been broken into their component movies in this list and they appear together in the place where their group entry appears in the Tenth Edition.

These steps to align everyone required a complete renumbering of the entries in the list. For those of you who downloaded the earlier tracking sheet, this one now contains columns that show both the old and new numbers so that you can cross reference them.

The Tenth Edition fixed dozens of errors in the years of the films from the earlier texts, but some still remain.  Comments have been added in the rightmost column for those entries that still remain in error.

Finally, I added a set of totals at the bottom of the Chronological tab that show which of the entries you have reviewed, if you are doing so.

October 21, 2014 Update:

With the latest additions the final 88 entries on the list had to be renumbered to stay consistent with the new method established last year with the Tenth Edition.  The first 1,079 entries remained unchanged.

September 26, 2015 Update:

With the latest additions the final 82 entries on the list had to be renumbered to stay consistent with the new method established in 2013 with the Tenth Edition.  The first 1,095 entries remained unchanged.

The same people have also published several smaller books titled 101 [genre] Movies to See Before You Die.  Currently (July 2013) those genres are Action, Cult, Gangster, Horror, Sci-Fi, and War.  I have transcribed those books into tracking lists and they appear below.  While there is some crossover with the larger book, there are also many movies unique to these lists.  I have a tracking sheet for those 348 unique movies at the bottom of this post.  This tracking sheet also has the Netflix availability columns just like the larger list.

Since the six original lists are much smaller and a lot more manageable I just have the “Seen?” column in them and none of the Netflix availability ones.  I do have a column indicating if this film is also in the larger 1,001 Movies list.  Like the larger list they also have both Chronological and Alphabetical tabs.

101 Action Movies You Must See Before You Die

101 Cult Movies You Must See Before You Die

101 Gangster Movies You Must See Before You Die


101 Horror Movies You Must See Before You Die


101 Sci-Fi Movies You Must See Before You Die


101 War Movies You Must See Before You Die

All Movies Across All Genre Books That Are Unique from the 1,001 Movies List

If you see any mistakes, typos, etc., or have suggestions on how to improve these tracking sheets, please let me know in the comments.


  1. Chip, this is fantastic. And totally feeds into my dormant list-based obsession. I LOVE that you included in the main list columns for whether or not you've reviewed it, or if the club has reviewed it, and where/how it's available. THANK YOU!


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  2. @siochembio - You're welcome. Thank you very much for the kind words. It means a lot to me.

  3. This is really cool. I have not yet decided if I will use it. Being strictly cronological I have no problem knowing what I have been through and what remains. Also Netflix is only now considering opening up in Denmark. So far I have simply bought or downloaded the movies. Yet I can definitely see that this is useful.
    I think you helped compile a list on where to find difficult movies. That is coming in very handy although my idiotic DVD player refuses to play anything but region 2 disks so I have to hook up my laptop everytime I want to see my region 1 movies. Another good argument for downloads.
    But thanks again. I am considering a sort of database search engine for when the blog grows big, but at this point I just don't feel like putting the effort into it.

    1. Thanks. Please be aware that the book has many errors in it in regards to years of movies and especially the common names of non-English language films. For many of the obscure ones the book compilers seem to have just put in a literal English translation. Most lists I have seen transcribed from the book copied these errors. I know for a fact that the list you said you started with has errors in it in regards to the names of some of the films. I know this because I started with it, too.

      The downloadable tracking sheet I have here has, to the best of my ability, corrected all of those issues. Having incorrect titles, or even incorrect years, was making it difficult to track down some of these films. You are correct that I put together the list of links for hard to find films at the 1,001 Movies wiki. It was my own troubles finding films that led me to go through the book movie by movie, finding errors. Once I corrected those, many films became much easier to find.

      You should also be aware that some of the films on the list have never been released on DVD, or any home media, for that matter. They seem to only exist in 16mm prints, or online.

  4. Hmm--I'm getting an error message now telling me that the files could not be found.

    1. Working on it. The site where I uploaded the tracking sheets to decided to not want anyone to access it. I am in the process of transitioning to another hosting site. The sheets on this specific post should now be all set. If you are still having troubles, let me know. If things are good, let me know.

  5. This is awesome! I've been wanting to compile something like this for a while. Thank you for all the hard work

    1. You're welcome. I hope you find it useful and when you get a chance I hope you check out some of the other lists I have at this site.

  6. there are over 1100 here where is the 1001 list with all removals. Cheers

    1. As I mentioned at the top of the post, some films have been added each year since the 1,001 list was first established. The people using the list as a guide do not delete movies from it, but instead work from the whole list.

      If, however, you prefer to only have the most recent 1,001 list (which will be obsolete next fall when more movies are added), then please note the comments I have in the rightmost column. Using those you can delete any rows that have comments stating that the movie was deleted in such and such a year. That will leave you with the current 1,001 movies list.

    2. thanks for the quick reply.
      I didn't see that last row, that makes sense thanks.
      And many movies from a decade ago are still being removed or readded, so it makes the list of older movies (not from the last year) more effective.

    3. You're welcome, and you're right. The editors seem to not want to go back too many pages in the book and have to change layouts, so the films removed are almost always very recent. The exception to that was the 5th anniversary edition which had a larger than usual set of changes, including going back as far as 1988. Many of us are hoping that 2013's 10th anniversary edition will also include a larger set of changes that will scrap some of the older ones that aren't necessary and that will bring back some of the ones from 2000 and up that should not have been removed.

  7. Where is 'The Big Carnival', from 1951? It's on page 257 of my 2011 edition.

    1. The editors of the book sometimes used alternate titles for films, literal English translations of some foreign films, and other, sometimes confusing, names. Compounding the confusion is that the books have many errors on the years the films came out. Tetsuo is the worst example. It was released in 1989, but the editors put it in 1998. (It was removed prior to the 2011 edition, so you will not see it in your book.)

      In the case of "The Big Carnival" the real title of the film is Ace in the Hole. It is #232 on the list. When it was re-issued years later its title was initially changed to The Big Carnival before changing back, and if you look on IMDB and Criterion sites it is listed under its original and better known name, Ace in the Hole.

      Wherever possible I have corrected the errors or misdirections from the books, especially on foreign films. When there were multiple titles I listed the entries under their more common name, then placed the alternative name in parentheses after it. When the foreign title was actually better known than the literal translation used in the book, I placed the foreign title first then the English title after it (i.e. "Ikiru" first then "To Live" second, for entry #246.)

      Your question has pointed out to me that I should maybe revisit my introductory paragraphs for this post to add this explanation. Thanks.

      If you see other title or year errors from the book that I have not corrected in this tracking sheet, please let me know.

  8. Ah! That's very helpful, many thanks for that. According to Wiki, which I have now checked, the film was in fact originally released as 'The Big Carnival', and shown that way for years, but that was a result of a last-minute change not approved by the director, and in recent years, it has been re-issued under the title that the director originally intended for it. Interesting.

    Sorry, by the way, for the brevity of my question above. I had written it all out once already, more politely expressed and with warm thanks to you for creating and making available the spreadsheets here, but it got chewed up and lost somehow in in my attempt to post, and I didn't have (regrettably) the time to go through it all again, so fired off quickly what you see.

    In point of fact, I was simply trying to be what I thought was helpful in pointing out a film that seemed inexplicably to me missing, and did not mean to seem critical, as my earlier words now look to me. :)

    If I see anything that suggests to me I can be of help again (real help this time, one hopes), I will let you know.


    1. Thanks for the follow-up. I didn't interpret your first comment as critical, but rather as puzzled, but I appreciate you taking the time to elaborate.

      For what it's worth, IMDB disagrees slightly with Wikipedia. It says that the film was released as Ace in the Hole, didn't do well at the box office, so soon after the initial release the studio changed the title to try to increase box office interest. I tend to go with IMDB in cases like this.

      As a tiebreaker, the insert booklet in the Criterion DVD set also says that the film lost money on its initial release as Ace in the Hole so the studio changed the name to The Big Carnival upon re-release. (I own it and just checked it.)

      Lost in all of this is the fact that if you haven't seen it, then I highly recommend it, and for more reasons than just to check it off the list. I liked it a lot, which is why I own it.

  9. I have not seen it, and thanks for the tip. I just bought 1001 Movies YMSBYD, actually, and for no particular reason that I recall now, included 'The Big Carnival' from it, along with a couple of other movies, on a short list of movies I took to my local DVD rental shop to see if they had any of them. 'The Big Carnival' was one they did not have . . . but properly educated now, I'll ask next time if they have 'Ace in the Hole'. Maybe I'll get lucky. :)

    Btw, I just stumbled across some other and quite unquestionable errors in the book, in the descriptions of two of Ozu's films that I know and love. I like the book a lot, but like anything else, one needs to be careful not to assume it is all true.


    1. Good analysis of the book. Another thing to watch out for is that many of the descriptions of the movies spoil all the reveals and big events, so you may want to proceed with caution on those films you haven't seen yet. Personally, I don't read the text for an entry until after I've seen it.

  10. Thank you for the caution about reading the entries about unseen films. For some reason, films are not spoiled for me by my knowing in advance what is going to happen. How it happens, seeing it happen, is what I enjoy, not surprises as such. But I appreciate your consideration.


  11. You might be interested in this useful resource, if you do not know it already. Among the free films available online here are some of the 1001 Movies.


    1. Thank you very much. I will check it out.

  12. I’ve been watching my way The List chronologically for a little over a year now. Currently stuck at no. 289: Hill 24 Doesn’t Answer (Giv’a 24 Eina Ona) which is the first one I haven’t been able to locate. I did see the link provided in the (excellent!) wiki compendium, but it doesn’t seem to work anymore, so I’m starting to worry that I’ll have to move on without Hill 24. Really don’t want to give up, though. SJHoneywell recommended that I get in touch with you in this most desperate hour. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.

    PS. The vertical scroll bar in the main 1001 tracking sheet above won’t scroll down for me (in Firefox). The bars in the other tracking sheets work just fine.


    1. Penny,

      Yes, Hill 24 was the last one I found myself. It took me a lot of searching. It's not in very good condition, but it is watchable and better than nothing at all.

      I'm not sure what is happening with your Firefox browser and the 1,001 Movies spreadsheet. I use Internet Explorer and I just found the scroll to be working fine. It's not something I can adjust for different browsers, unfortunately. I am just using the html generated by the file hosting site to embed the spreadsheet. Perhaps Firefox can't handle the sheer size of the largest spreadsheet? Did you try expanding it to full screen? Maybe the scroll would work then. Did you try saving it to your computer? If you can at least get it that way the browser issue is no longer a factor.

      And sticking with the browser thing, I just tried the Hill 24 link from the wiki and it works for me. I went as far as to actually start the download to my computer to ensure it would work. Perhaps this is a browser issue again. I once had someone comment on the wiki that they couldn't download something and once they switched to a different browser it worked for them.

      Assuming you at least get the Rapidshare page when you click on the Hill 24 link, instead of clicking on the "Download File" button try copy/pasting the Rapidshare link given on that page into a new browser window. Maybe that will work for you. If it still doesn't then I'm not sure what to suggest.

      By the way, if you run into further issues with this or any other movie, you can leave a comment at the bottom of the Compendium page and I get an email from that, too.

  13. The spreadsheet (awesome job btw) works for me in IE and the Firefox issue must be some minor problem at this end, so no worries there. 

    Which led me to agree with you at first that the Hill 24 link issue was also a browser thing. However, I tried several different browsers and a different computer and it was still a no go. Copy/pasting the Rapidshare download link made no difference, I kept getting same error message: "Download permission denied by uploader. (0b67c2f5)". So I googled this error message and it looks like Rapidshare changed everyone’s default folder settings from public to private on January 16th. Might this be the reason why I can’t access the file? If it’s not, please don’t worry about it - thanks a mill for helping me, sorry to be such a bother.


    1. Penny. I emailed someone else that I know has tried a download from there in the past and asked them to try this one to see what happens. Unfortunately, I have not heard back from them yet. It's time to shut the computer off where I am, and then tomorrow I am going to be digging out from a large snowstorm, so I might not be able to check back in on this for close to a day. I didn't want to leave you hanging, so I guess you could consider this a status report.

      Don't worry. We'll get this worked out one way or another so you can get the film.

      By the way, are you "CouchPeanut", the new Follower on my blogs?

  14. Aww thanks again, Chip! I really appreciate it. Your snowstorm made the news over here (Scandinavia). My sympathies about all the shovelling.

    And yes, I am CouchPeanut.

    1. I've placed different links at the Compendium. Unfortunately they had to be broken up into 100 meg chunks, so you'll have to do them one at a time.

    2. Hooray! It worked, it worked! *happydance*

      Chip, you're the BEST!

    3. Shucks, ma'am. Tweren't nothin'. (digs toe in dirt)

      If you have any issues with links in the future, go ahead and leave a comment at the wiki and I'll see it. You may want to be pro-active and get the ones you can right now that you know you won't be able to get any other way. (Deseret is a good example.) As you've just seen, links can go bad without warning.

      I'll keep my white hat at the ready.

  15. I'm not sure if it was intentional or not, but Broken Blossoms and The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari seem ot be out of order.

    1. Thanks for the heads up. You are correct that they are out of order. I took the base list from the 1,001 Movies Blog Club and I corrected whatever errors I found on it when building this tracking sheet, but somehow I never noticed that before. I have checked the Club, as well as a couple of other bloggers who are in it that have the list on their sites: all have the same error (as does the wiki I help maintain, of course.)

      I will contact the person who runs the Club to see if he is agreeable to fixing the official list for the club. Assuming he is, I will try to get this correction accepted by the other bloggers and users of the list (as well as correcting the wiki and my tracking sheet here.)

    2. Everyone has agreed to update the lists at their sites. I have a corrected 1,001 Movies sheet here now. FYI - there was also a correction made to the order of In the Heat of the Night while we were making the Blossoms/Cabinet correction.

      Thanks again for letting me know about this.

  16. Here's another list I just came across, and thought you might like to see too:


    1. Thanks Russell. I built a tracking sheet from it. I will add it to the Publishers post here soon. I'm in the U.S. so I don't see Empire Magazine. I have to wonder if it's run by 25 year olds, though. More than half the films on that 2010 list (55 of 105) are from 1985 or later. Almost one quarter (24) are from 2000 or later. There are more films from 2002 alone than there are from the entire decades of the 1920s, 1930s, or 1940s.

      For what it's worth, I've seen 84 of the 105 films. I've heard of them all except for Ten Canoes. A few of my unseens are also in the 1,001 Movies list, but I just haven't gotten to them yet (currently 935 of 1,103 and rising).

      I see Empire also has lists of the Top 100 British films (I already have one such list from Time Out in my Publishers post) and a Top 500 movies of all time. I may tackle those, but Empire sure does like to artificially drive up their click rates by making you have to render a new page for every list entry.

    2. Yes, there is a big bias on that list in favour of more recent films, as a result of which some newer ones make it on the list that are far less good -- IMHO, of course :) -- than some older ones that are not on it. No matter, though, in my view, as long as I learn from it of some good films I did not know about, or at least am further encouraged to try some I was not necessarily planning to see.


      P.S. I may be accidentally posting this a second time. If so, please delete this or the first one.

    3. fyi - Three new Empire tracking lists have been added to the Publishing Company post.

  17. Noted, Chip, with thanks. And I will not be offended if you want to take this post off your wall. :)


    1. After taking some time to consider, I decided to follow your suggestion. This post takes time to load as it is, so by removing those long comments that are off topic it might come up a little faster. I see that it also removed my reply with my email address. Here it is again -

      Also, if you have other lists to suggest that are not related to the 1,001 Movies, you can leave comments on one of the top two posts on this site and I will get them. That's mostly what those posts are there for.

  18. Thank you so much for your list, Chip. It really saved me a lot of time from making one myself. That said, I just spent 3 or so hours looking up every single title on Netflix instant, and updated your list. Quite a few titles gone, and quite a few new titles. I also added expiry dates for all of them, so you can use data filter options to see what movies are expiring soon. I would love to share that data with you, so you can incorporate it into your list if it interests you, but I can't find any email I could send it to.

    1. You're welcome. That sounds like a great update to the list, although I am curious about the expiration dates since I only see them when they are only a week or so from disappearing. You may be teaching me something new about Netflix, too.

      You can email me at

      Did you happen to mark the updates so they are easier to find? If not, that's okay. I'm not sure I would have thought to do that either.


    2. I didn't mark the updates, but they should be very easy to spot by just looking at your list and mine side by side.

      As for the expiration dates, while you can't see them in Netflix per se, they are available through their API and third party search sites offer them. I use to search Netflix, and they offer the expiration dates for all items. You can also see a list of everything that gets added each day, which makes it easier to scan for new relevant releases. I'll send you the spreadsheet I made to the address you gave in just a bit. I just have to eat first.

      Btw, 14 movies on the list expire on May 1st. That's a neat thing to know so you can plan ahead a bit.

  19. Thank you so much for the spreadsheet, Chip! It saved me a whole lot of work. I also do not look at the book before viewing since I find it to be full of spoilers.

    I just did a search of Hulu Plus streaming for films on the list and came up with 134. I subscribe because that is where the Criterion Collection makes its streaming content available. You might come up with quite a few films for the TSPDT list there as well. Almost all are not available on Netflix Instant and a few are not available on Netflix at all.

    I inserted Hulu Plus as a column on your spreadsheet. Let me know if you would be interested.

    1. You're welcome. Thank you very much for your offer to share your Hulu Plus research. I would be very interested to see this. You can email me at

  20. @Anders and marie_dressler - I have uploaded the new tracking sheet that contains the columns that you shared with me. Thanks again.

  21. Thank you for being the keeper of the list!

  22. You may already know this but I woke up this morning and found out a lot of the Instant Watch films on my Netflix queue are ending on May 1. Apparently, Netflix has lost the rights to many MGM films. I need to get cracking!

    1. Thanks for the heads up. I knew there was probably going to be a bunch because of the number of times I saw 5/31 in the spreadsheet info that Anders had shared with me to add to the 1,001 Movies sheet. I've been checking my own queue periodically, so when I saw your note I just did it again. I've got 10 from my queue going away, although thankfully none from this list. (Two Oscar Best Picture nominees, though.)

  23. Just leaving you another note to say how great the spreadsheets are and how often I use them. I've added in some columns (foreign language films, a column for if both the club AND myself have reviewed a movie) but it's sooooooooooo much easier to do a simple add than start from scratch. Thanks again, and thought you'd like to know how much I use them.

    1. "Thanks again, and thought you'd like to know how much I use them."

      You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you very much for taking the time to let me know. I sometimes wonder if I just wasted my time setting up this blog and creating all those lists.

      I'd be interested in the one with foreign films marked. I'm under 100 left and was thinking about dividing them up that way to finish them off. Can you email it to me?

  24. I am just sharing this site. I knew there was probably going to be a bunch because of the number of times I saw 5/31 in the spreadsheet info that Anders had shared with me to add to the 1,001 Movies sheet.

  25. If you mean you are sharing this site with others then thank you very much. If you mean you are sharing a site with me then I do not know what that site is from your comment.

  26. How do you find out the Netflix removal date more than a few days ahead? I'd like to discover those dates for all my instant queue so I can arrange it accordingly. Thanks for any help.

    1. "How do you find out the Netflix removal date more than a few days ahead? I'd like to discover those dates for all my instant queue so I can arrange it accordingly."

      That's a trick I didn't know about myself until Anders, another commenter above, taught it to me. As he writes:

      "As for the expiration dates, while you can't see them in Netflix per se, they are available through their API and third party search sites offer them. I use to search Netflix, and they offer the expiration dates for all items. You can also see a list of everything that gets added each day, which makes it easier to scan for new relevant releases."

      I will just add a follow-up comment on - it is sometimes very picky on the titles. Sometimes I typed one into the search box only to have it tell me it wasn't found. I realized I had a tendency to leave out special characters like colons or commas, but this site still wanted them in the searches.

      Good luck with checking out your films.

    2. Damn, I've got some bad news, Debra. After making this reply I realized I hadn't been on Instantwatcher for a few months. I decided to check it out again and I found this message:

      "Sorry, we are retiring the 'Expiring Soon' category of Instantwatcher and removing expiry dates from titles. Netflix is no longer providing this data to third-party websites for reasons stated in this announcement" and then they linked to a Netflix page that said Netflix wasn't going to be giving that out anymore.

      I checked out a couple of films and they no longer showed the expiration dates at Instantwatcher. To the best of my knowledge, the dates in the tracking sheet above are still accurate, but we will no longer be able to look up other films. We are back to only getting a few days notice from Netflix before they are gone.

      Netflix did something similar just before I joined Letterboxd. People used to be able to import all their ratings from Netflix, but once Letterboxd got popular enough Netflix stopped providing that info. I had to go through and manually rate the thousands of films I had seen. I'm sure I've missed a bunch because of this.

      It looks like Instantwatcher (and similar sites) also got too popular so Netflix shut down more of their feeds. I guess Netflix doesn't like people getting used to using movie sites other than their own.

    3. Well PICKLE! (my favorite swear word). I'll bet we don't see expiry dates beyond a few days when we are Netflix users because they know we will SHARE it with the "great unwashed masses" (i.e. those not on Netflix). Of course Netflix does not have the sense to realize that if folks see a bunch are there and what are their expire dates, they just might sign up for Netflix. GASP!

      Alas. I'd leave Netflix except they have films not easily available elsewhere. I can't believe you've actually watched all the 1001+ movies.

      So I have a question. I got hold of the 1st ed (2003) of 1001 ... and it had Kill Bill v. 1 on the initial list. Do you think I might have actually gotten hold of the 2004 ed not knowing it? Inside it did say it was 1st ed. I'm going to look at the book again when I get to work and I'll let you know what I find. The book had the Psyco picture on the cover, but didn't both 2003 and 2004 have that?
      Thanks for saving me a TON of work and saving my librarian a ton of Interlibrary Loan work!

    4. Yeah, they considered the 2004 version a reprint, not a new addition, because it only added 2 films and removed 2

  27. "Alas. I'd leave Netflix except they have films not easily available elsewhere. I can't believe you've actually watched all the 1001+ movies."

    I was able to because of what you said about Netflix. They had a lot of the foreign and independent films, but not all. There are around 150 entries that are not available from Netflix. If you have not come across it yet, I help maintain a wiki that provides places where you might be able to find these hard-to-find entries. It is The Compendium at this link:

    You have the 2004 edition of the book. It's a little confusing because the publisher considers it a reprint of the first edition, yet it has two different entries in it - Kill Bill Vol. 1 and The Barbarian Invasions replaced Adaptation and Far from Heaven.

    If you download the tracking sheet above, the rightmost column lists ever addition, removal, and change a movie has undergone across the various editions. If you prefer a book-centric reference of changes you can find that at the same wiki listed above under "The Book Editions".

    "Thanks for saving me a TON of work and saving my librarian a ton of Interlibrary Loan work!"

    You're welcome. I'm glad you found my work helpful.

    By the way, there are other bloggers that are closing in on completing the list AND they are making the effort to review every entry. There is a Blog Club where there are weekly posts of links to these bloggers' reviews. If you are interested you can find that club here:

    And at my own Tips from Chip site (link is at the upper right) you can find my reviews of some of the 1,001 Movies by clicking on the "Movies - 1001 Movies" Tag link. (I only review movies I would recommend, so my list is smaller. Try Steve Honeywell's blog 1001plus - - if you are looking for a specific entry's review and the Club has not done it. Steve has less than 40 entries left to review.)

    Welcome to the world of the 1,001 Movies You Must See Before You Die!

  28. Chip, you are THE GREATEST by far! Thanks so much for doing this. I will now be able to use the authoritative numbering system when reviewing movies that are now or have ever been on The List. Now to redo my own stats with the additions.

    Have you seen Peter Ibbetson? I have a review of that on my site as part of my round up of its year. I had kind of a mixed reaction but it's well worth seeing.

    1. You're welcome. Thanks for the kind words. I just left a comment on your Peter Ibbetson review. I just finished seeing all the new additions, but this one was of the last ones I saw. I will be posting my rankings of them on Wednesday on my Tips from Chip site.

  29. Hi,

    your tables are very good - thanks for them.
    I think it will be nice to have also column for imdb code to unambiguously identify the movie.


    1. You're welcome.

      That's a good suggestion. Unfortunately, I will not have time for the foreseeable future to do that. I just started a new job. On the positive side, one of the reasons I made these sheets downloadable is so that people can use it as a base and then customize it on their own PCs however they want.

      For what it's worth: the Time Magazine list in the Publishers post does link to the IMDB entry for the films. That's the only sheet on here that does that, though.

  30. I may be mistaken, but did you used to have a spreadsheet with different columns for each edition of the book? I'm considering posting a simple list of 1001 entries from the 10th (2013) edition on my own blog since I can't find it anywhere on the web. I own that edition of the book, so I can verify each entry. Thanks for all your meticulous work on these lists!

    1. "I may be mistaken, but did you used to have a spreadsheet with different columns for each edition of the book?"

      Not exactly. The rightmost column specifies what years an entry was added and/or removed. And my IMDB Year End Top 250 list here has separate tabs for every single year. Perhaps you are combining the two in your memory?

    2. Ahh, yes, it's the IMDB 250 I was thinking of.

  31. Hi Chip, I've just completed the 1001 Movies book and wanted to drop a word of thanks to you for getting me over the line. The spreadsheets and particularly your wikia pages have been invaluable in tracking down all the films, I doubt I'd have been able to complete the list without your help, so I'm very very appreciative! On my own blog I wrote up a (lengthy) summary of my experience with the book and picked out my best films, and gave you a little mention at the end to point any readers here -

    Thanks again, Donald.

    1. I could not comment at your site because it uses a comment form that requires a social network login and I don't use those. Sorry.

      First of all - big congratulations for making your way through the entire 1,001 movies in the 2012 edition! That's a heck of a feat.

      Second, thanks for the shout out there and the nice comment here. I'm glad I was able to help.

      I had a similar experience in regards to coming across the book, in this case the first edition back in 2003. I didn't start actively working on the list until many years later, though.

      Here is my post on completing the entire list, if you are interested: It mentions two other bloggers that have since also completed the list with me. One of them - 1001plus - has links to other blogs that are people working on the list, if you are interested. Sadly, the Blog Club I mentioned in no longer active.

      I'm sure the last thing you want to do after finishing this is to watch another 175 movies or so to include all the ones that have been removed (and you already have plans for another large book), but there were many very good films taken out by the time the 2012 edition was published. I'd recommend Adaptation (2002), O Brother Where Art Thou (2000), Hero (2002), Monsoon Wedding (2001), A Very Long Engagement (2004), Children of Men (2006), Volver (2006), Amelie (2001), The Wrestler (2008), and In the Loop (2009) just to name ten. (And just fyi - The Bourne Ultimatum was added to the list in 2009, but removed the next year.)

      Also, the 2013 edition was a 10th anniversary and included 50 additions all the way back to the beginning. From those I would recommend The Great White Silence (1924), The Adventures of Prince Achmed (1926), F for Fake (1973), Field of Dreams (1989), Toy Story 2 and 3, and Django Unchained. The 2014 and 2015 editions have also added some worthy films.

    2. I'm not much into the social networks either, you can use a Google account to comment there same as here though. Anyway thanks for replying, yes it is a mixture of satisfaction and relief to get to the end. I've bookmarked your article for reading later, interested to see what you thought about the book.

      So you've been following the book since 2003, that's a long-term commitment! I do plan to complete the films prom the previous/subsequent editions, have your spreadsheet on standby but taking a little break before I head back into it. Thanks for the recommendations, I have seen some of those but not all, so more to look forward to. Amelie is such a strange one, I was aware it was once in the book but I can't fathom why they would have decided that was one of the ones they should replace, to me that's one that should be a permanent fixture in the book. And Bourne is even stranger, only including the 3rd film of a trilogy makes little sense, it'd be like the 1001 Books list recommending only the last chapter of a book.

    3. Amelie, like many movies from the 2000s and 2010s that they had on the list fell victim to their desire to keep work and costs down with the yearly changes to the books. The further back in time they remove/add a film the more pages that have to be redone for the next volume. The more recent the movie removed, the fewer pages that have to be redone. That's why each new edition, with only the exception of the 10th edition, only removes films from near the end of the book. The result has been that the years from 2000 up are underrepresented.

  32. Hi Chip
    Thanks very much for the list and for making it available to download.

  33. Hello Chip,

    I just came across your 1001 movies list; well done! I've been maintaining a similar spreadsheet combining the 1001 Movies list with other lists: Oscar winners and nominees in major categories, Ebert Great, 4-Star, and top 10 movies, Criterion Collection, the AFI lists, and others. I've posted it as a Google Docs spreadsheet. You can get to it from my summary page at . If you make your own copy, you can sort on the various columns to see each individual list. There are now over 3800 movies in there, and I'm coming up on 95% watched.

    I, too, am looking for a copy of "Hill 24...". Please email me at if you can point me to a link for it. Thanks!

    1. Sorry, Chip passed away 4/21/16 of complications of gall bladder surgery. This is his sister responding. Glad you like his list. This was a very serious hobby of his.

  34. Thanks for sharing the list. Dracula is one of the best movies that everybody like to watch anytime.
    Read here for more interesting collections of movies.

  35. Sorry to hear about Chip. I have been following his website for about 5 years. We will all miss him. Paul


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  37. Ship seemed to be a very nice guy. It is so bizarre that the goods go first. Today is the 6th anniversary of my younger brother's death. Then I just found his blog by happenstance only to go to the comments to praise him and find out he is no longer alive. I'm sorry to know that. I miss my brother and I miss every single good person who dies, no matter whether I know them. You rest in good peace, Chip.

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  40. Replies
    1. Chip passed away in 2016. Sad for all of us who treasured his updates so we didn't have to do one of our own.

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